2024 Convention Q & A

Q. By what date(s) do I need to have teams registered for non-qualifying CDE's?

A. Check in Convention registration for those cut-off dates as they vary a bit from event to event.

Q. Can I register for the IATA Dinner or FFA Dance through Convention Registration?

A. No. Dance tickets will be sold during Convention in the CSI gym. IATA will send info on how to register for the IATA Dinner.

Q: What do I do if I cannot log into Convention Registration?

A: Email shianne.gammon@cte.idaho.gov. This is likely due to an advisor change or shift in responsibility. Only one advisor email can be the log-in for a chapter.

Q: What if I have SOME of my convention registrants ready to enter but think I will need to add more later?

A: Go ahead and enter the ones you know are attending, and you may add more by going back into your chapter registration. BE SURE TO SUBMIT YOUR REGISTRATION EACH TIME!!!

Q: How do I register members for CDE/LDE's?

A1: On registration you can enter teams for events that do not require a district qualifying win to advance to the state level. Check each event in Registration for the last day to register for those. It varies some from event to event.

A2: District Directors are submitting a Google Form with all info on district winners advancing to state level as well as preliminary judges for those events that require those.

Q: Do I register my state officer candidate for Convention?


Q: Do I need tickets to enter any Convention events?

A: Currently the ticketed events will be a meal event that will allow each State Degree recipient and two parents to attend, the FFA Dance that is Friday night (tickets will be sold in the CSI gym during Convention), and the IATA Dinner (IATA will be sending out info on how to register for the dinner). Tickets are not needed to enter sessions, but Convention theme pins are required.

Q: What credential required to attend Convention Sessions?

FFA Member: Yes. Every registrant will receive a Convention theme lapel pin that must be visible on their Official Dress jacket collar or shirt collar to be admitted to sessions.

Advisor/Adult: A Convention name tag that is picked up at registration MUST be on every adult entering Sessions.

Q: Does Convention registration include housing?

A: NO!

Q: Must I have paid my chapter's invoice for Convention prior to attendance?

A: NO, we allow a net 30-day allowance for payment. NO PAYMENTS ARE ACCEPTED ON SITE!

Q: If I have a member only attending for one day or only competing in a CDE or LDE, do they need to be registered?

A: YES. It takes a great deal to put on this annual event, and it takes all contributing to continue to keep costs reasonable even if members are from local chapters and come and go for one day.

Q: Where do I find due dates for materials submissions for events like Prepared Speaking, Employment Skills, Agriscience Fair and more?

A: Go to theiata.com website, resources, CDE, to see rules documents for each event. Additionally, event superintendents will be reaching out to state qualifying event winners' advisors with more details as soon as District Advisors have submitted the necessary information to Idaho FFA.

Q: Do parents or guests need to register for Convention?

A: YES so that we can have the necessary information to know they are associated with your chapter and that we have what we need to have a name tag and/or convention pin for them so they will be welcomed to sessions and able to watch.

Previous State Conventions